October 27, 2022

Purus Perspective: October 2022

October 27, 2022

As we kick off the holiday season, we want to share some important topics that we hope you find valuable.

Our Purus Investment Advisory team continues working diligently to identify potential opportunities to capture possible upside, while still managing risk based upon your individual needs. We are closely watching the impact of the Fed’s interest rate hikes - of which more are expected by year end. This has been a trying year, but we want you to know that our team remains vigilant in helping you navigate these markets.

Guide to Recessions
Capital Group

When is the next recession and how should you prepare for it?

Recessions can be complicated, misunderstood, and downright scary. But, most of all, they’re hard to predict, as Paul Samuelson – the first American to win the Nobel Prize in Economics – noted in the 1960s. So rather than predicting the exact date of the next recession, this guide will offer perspectives on the following questions:

  • What factors have contributed to previous recessions?
  • How have equities moved during past contractions?
  • What are the most consistent economic indicators to watch?
  • How close is the next recession?
  • What can investors do to prepare?


October is National Financial Planning Month

Financial planning is an important part of being prepared for your financial future. It allows us to look at your complete financial journey and determine how to achieve both your short-term and long-term goals. Financial planning is about more than assets, investments, and net worth. It’s about what you want to do with your money and why. It’s about identifying your concerns, expectations, and goals – it’s about how you feel and what you want.

Now is a perfect time to partner with your Purus Wealth Management advisor to do a checkup and assess the health of your finances.


PWM Market & Wine Series

Click the button below to access the recording of our last Market & Wine Series. This event was hosted by Daniel Melehan from our partner Alliance Bernstein (AB) in October to discuss the 2022 Midterm Elections and its potential impact on the economy.


PWM Cybersecurity Quick Check
via Hannah Morreale, Operations Specialist & Digital Concierge

If you have any questions about this month’s topic, please reach out to our cyber security team.

Happy Halloween!
We hope everyone has a happy and safe Halloween. Here are some pictures of the Purus family from year’s past. We’d love to see some of your festive pictures from this fall season!

National Breast Cancer Awareness Month
For over 4 decades now, the country has recognized October as National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. For those of you affected, directly or indirectly, we want you to know that Purus stands with you in the fight against Breast Cancer.