November 23, 2022

Purus Perspective: November 2022

Now that the midterms are over and the GOP has taken control of the House, we await the outcome of the Georgia run-off early next month to see who will control the Senate. Either way the results come out, fundamentals will continue to control how the market performs over time; the Federal Reserve raised another .75% in November which may cause some pressure on earnings; these factors are the more likely source to affect the portfolios. Until the Feds back off their aggressive rate hike schedule, we will remain cautiously optimistic.

One bright spot is that if history is any indicator, the markets tend to perform well after mid-term elections. Knowing that the direction of the market is uncertain, it is important to continue to put this market in perspective. While painful, recessions are a normal component of a healthy economic cycle. There is never a “good” time to go through it, but it is an unavoidable element of being a long-term investor. Throughout this period, we will continue to reference the data in the slides below to show the importance of sticking to your long-term investment plan.

As we head into the last month of the year, we would like to thank you for all your steadfastness, now and throughout the years. We look forward to continuing to serve you and yours for many years to come. Happy Thanksgiving!!

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Strategies for sharing and continuing a passion for philanthropy
Charles Schwab Charitable Giving

Passing values on to younger generations through philanthropy can help maximize charitable impact and extend a donor’s legacy. Many donors are looking for ways to introduce these conversations and to connect their family in a meaningful giving strategy that involves the whole family.


National Day of Giving encourages giving back to those who need it most. Every year it takes place the Tuesday after Thanksgiving. This year, it will be on November 29th.

In the spirit of the season, the Purus team is looking for ways to give back to our community. Here, we are taking part in the Irvine Company’s sponsored Thanksgiving food drive in partnership with a local charity.

End-of -the Year Tax Considerations for Capital Gains:
Understanding Mutual Fund Distributions

T. Rowe Price

Toward the end of each year, mutual fund shareholders— especially equity fund shareholders—face potential tax consequences. That’s because mutual funds must distribute any dividends and net realized capital gains earned on their holdings over the prior 12 months.


What we're thankful for.

We asked the Purus team what they are most thankful for on this Thanksgiving Day, and here is what they shared.

“This year as always, I am thankful for all my many blessings especially my wonderful husband, my children, and this year I was blessed with my 2nd grandchild Gavin!”

“I am so thankful for my support system; both at home and at work. Without my husband, family, team at work, neighbors, and the wonderful people at the schools my kids attend I wouldn’t be able to do half the things I do, either at work or at home. Every aspect of my life is truly a team effort.”

“This holiday season, I am grateful that my new job is full of wonderful and very patient people who have helped me grow immensely during my time here thus far.”

“I am thankful for my family’s good health, fortune, and happiness. I am thankful for the time I spent with the people who are no longer in my life.”

"In a year where my heart was broken due to the passing of my mother, I am forever thankful that she went to heaven to join my father, peacefully and without pain. I am also thankful and feel so blessed for my husband, siblings, family (including my PWM family) and friends who continue to support me in helping my heart to mend. Because of their love, I am getting stronger. "

“I am thankful that it is hard to pick what I am most thankful for! If I had to pick one thing though, I would be most thankful for my loving, supportive, involved husband. He has given me a beautiful family and he always makes the time we spend together more precious.”

“The love and support given to me by all my family and friends, in good times and bad, is what I’m most thankful for.”

“I’m thankful for my dad who gave us a lifetime full of happiness, love, and laughter! All the incredible years of unconditional love, guidance, a shoulder to cry on, advice for days, tough love, teaching us to work hard, be strong, to get back up taller when we fell, do the right thing, and to LOVE your family deeply with all your heart. I’m thankful to be paying that forward every day with my own family.”

"Thankful for my wife, family, friends, our work, Purus, where we live, our life, and that God our father loves me."

PWM Cybersecurity Quick Check
via Hannah Morreale, Operations Specialist & Digital Concierge

If you have any questions about this month’s topic, please reach out to our cyber security team.