January 6, 2023

Purus Perspective: January 2023

Happy 2023! We hope you all enjoyed the holidays with your families and had a safe and happy New Year’s celebration. As we reflect on 2022, the theme that stands out is one of resilience. Standing strong through times of uncertainty is tough but necessary, and at the end of that long road lies opportunity. This is not the first time many of us have been through this type of market and it won’t be the last. As we have said before (and will continue to say) the PWM Investment Committee is working hard to make sure we are positioned appropriately to act when those opportunities arise.

This year, we will continue to send out our monthly newsletter. We try to break up some of the business-related items with lighthearted happenings around the office, and we hope you enjoy seeing what we are up to when we are able to take a moment away from work. We also hope you can attend a few of our Market & Wine Series events this year where we will present topics such as: Charitable Giving Opportunities, The Ever-Important Topic of Cybersecurity - “A Fireside Chat”, and Medicare “Dos and Don’ts.”

We look forward to this new year and all that it brings. As always, if there is anything you need, please don’t hesitate to reach out!

The Only Constant Is Change
First Trust

View from the Observation Deck  

"One of the most common questions we field on an ongoing basis is the following:
What are your favorite sectors?"


Maintaining Investment Discipline

"The benefits of 'maintaining course' when investing is time-tested. If your long-term
goals have not changed, avoiding any potential hasty, emotional decisions during
times of uncertainty may help avoid long-lasting negative consequences."


Giving is Good. Giving Wisely is Great.
A Simple, Tax Smart Way to Give.

Charles Schwab

Learn how you can Maximize the Impact of your Charitable Giving.

Save the Date: March 1, 2023, Purus will be having its first Market & Wine webinar series of 2023. In partnership with the Schwab Charitable team, we will be introducing the important topic of Charitable Giving. Stay tuned & watch for the email invitation in the coming months.


PWM Cybersecurity Alert
Social Security Administration

The Social Security Administration recently increased payouts based on Cost of Living Adjustments. This means scammers are looking for every opportunity to take advantage of you and your loved ones. Here are 10 tips from the SSA to help keep you safe. If you have any questions about your cybersecurity or need help, please reach out to your Purus team.


What Goes Around, Comes Around - Compliment Day!
January 24, 2023

Compliments - they are free, easy to give and receive, they make people happy and build trust. So, give someone a compliment this January 24th. Compliment Day encourages people to make a conscious attempt to praise and acknowledge the little (and big) things others do for them.

After all, what goes around, comes around.

Research has shown that people tend to gravitate toward other positive people in both personal and professional settings. The bottom line is this: giving compliments not only makes the other person happy, but it can also make you happy.

Purus Team Holiday Happenings

January is National Blood Donor Month
The American Red Cross

January is designated as National Blood Donor Month because there are usually fewer donors after the winter holidays even though blood is still critically needed.