January 12, 2023

Investment Committee Alert: Make the Most Of Your Cash

January 12, 2023
Money Market Funds
Charles Schwab

As we have said all year, The Purus Investment Committee is always on the lookout for upside potential.

We feel there has been an important shift in the benefits of Purchased Money Funds that we think is important to bring to your attention. The silver lining to the increase in interest rates is that Purchased Money Funds and Money Markets are starting to make a lot more sense to own. As interest rates have increased, our Purchased Money Fund has gone from paying nearly nothing to ~4%+.

In comparison, the big banks have not made the same increase to their savings account interest rates. If you have money in your checking or savings account that you would like to earn this type of interest on, please reach out. We would love to put together a Cash Investment Plan that makes sense for your goals and objectives.

To learn more about some of the funds we offer, read the article below and please reach out to your PWM advisor.